what is this website?
this is a personal website for stuff that i want to share. i've got sections for pictures of my pets, cool stuff i want to share, and i've got a blog where i infrequently post about stuff that i've done, discuss topics that interest me or talk about things i've thought about.
use the navigation list on the left (or top if you're on mobile or a small window) to browse throughout the site. while you're here, consider dropping by and signing the guestbook!
why does it look like that?
the look of this website is based off old personal geocities websites. this includes the occasional use of gifs and the low image quality. it originally started as a bit of a joke, but i've had a lot of fun working on it.
recent changes
- slight changes to aboutme
- new images added to pets page
- added this recent changes section to the homepage
recent blog posts
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